Fact: High blood pressure is commonly known as the “silent killer” because it often progresses without causing noticeable symptoms until it reaches an advanced stage. Regular blood pressure checks are indispensable for early detection and effective management.
Facts: blood pressure frequently increases with age, it’s crucial to recognize that high blood pressure is not an inherent or unavoidable consequence of aging. It can be efficiently managed and controlled to promote a healthier life.
Fact: Incorporating changes to your lifestyle, such as modifying your diet, engaging in physical activity, and managing stress, can efficiently control high blood pressure.. While medication may be required in certain situations, these lifestyle modifications can still bring about beneficial effects on your health
Fact: Many people with high BP may feel fine, but the condition still poses serious health risks, such as heart disease, stroke, and kidney problems.
Facts : While stress can temporarily elevate blood pressure, it isn’t a primary cause. However, chronic stress can adversely affect your overall health, potentially playing a role in the development of high blood pressure.
Fact: Both men and women are susceptible to high blood pressure, and it’s a significant health issue for both genders.
Fact: Blood pressure can fluctuate throughout the day due to various factors like stress, physical activity, and diet.
Fact : A well-rounded diet that includes potassium-rich foods, fiber, and low saturated fat is also crucial for managing high blood pressure.
Fact : Regular monitoring is essential to ensure that blood pressure remains in a healthy range over time.
Fact: Lifestyle changes like diet, exercise, and stress management can help control high blood pressure, and medication is not always necessary.
Fact: High blood pressure is a manageable condition through lifestyle changes and medication if needed.
If you have any questions then contact us our specialist at +918420070081 / +918420070082.